Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dr. McDougall's Address to the ACLM

A few people appreciated Dr. McDougall's lecture on MS, RA, and autoimmune diseases.  I would like to promote another of his lectures that is also available for free download and is excellent.

Dr. McDougall was asked to be the keynote speaker to the first meeting of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, now an accepted specialty board within the medical profession.  In this address, Dr. McDougall summarizes some of the main problems facing those who specialize in this area, and some of the main problems faced by all of us as patients and candidates for the western diseases that seem to plague most of us as we age.  It is SAD because it is so unnecessary that we age so poorly in this country. 

Enjoying my "golden years" is one of the wonderful benefits of this lifestyle.  I was not enjoying my entry to these years before I was lucky enough to contract heart disease, and learn about this important knowledge that reversed my heart disease, diabetes, kidney stones, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.  I was suffering every day while trying to remember how many of each of my basket full of pills to take.  Now I feel great and take no medications at all.

Here is the link:
You have to scroll to the bottom of the page and download the lecture of almost an hour and a half (a fairly large file)


  1. Thank you SO much for posting this! I had never watched it before. This and the MS lecture are pretty powerful stuff.

  2. Thanks for the post. I really got a lot out of the MS lecture. Will watch this one very soon.

  3. I'll be watching this one soon too.

    I really relate to your comments about going into older age healthy. Being the main care giver for my mom and watching her die slowly and painfully under the care of traditional medicine has made me want to run screaming from any doctor.

    Truly, I don't think they are sinister for the most part; they believe the lies, I guess. Mom had very caring doctors well respected in their fields. But the meds all created the need for more meds and eased one symptom only to make another worse. I just don't want to go down that path myself. I love and miss her so. The images will haunt me.

    So far, I don't have any pronounced medical issues -- that is, nobody has pronounced a health concern. Dr. Esselstyn says we all have some degree of heart disease if we have reached 40 and eaten the typical American diet. Since I'm past 60, I consider that this lifestyle has reversed whatever was present. OF course, no doc will buy that story, but I'm okay with that!

  4. Hey Bob, I see you got another 'shout-out' in the latest free video that Dr. McDougall posted on 'The Starch Solution'. Congrats. Katydid
